Currently our club does not require dues from their members. I would like to keep it that way. But, We do incur some small expenses. Paying for them involves money out of my own pocket or donations from the members.

Current Expenses for Michigan 3SI:
  • Yearly $13.50 for domain name registration.
  • Monthly $13.95 for server host fees(Paid Quarterly).

Financial Transaction Log 

Would you be willing to help fund our website? You can use the PayPal link below, send a check, or just catch up with me at the next gathering.



Amount Balance
6/21/2000 Two years of domain registration $27.00 -27.00
2/26/2001 Internet Hosting Fee $10.00 -37.00
3/4/2001 Donation $10.00 -27.00
3/4/2001 Donation $10.00 -17.00
3/26/2001 Internet Hosting Fee $10.00 -27.00
4/8/2001 Donation $5.00 -23.00
4/26/2001 Internet Hosting Fee $10.00 -33.00
5/26/2001 Internet Hosting Fee $10.00 -43.00
6/4/2001 Donation $5.00 -38.00
6/4/2001 Donation $20.00 -18.00
6/4/2001 Donation $20.00 +2.00
6/4/2001 Donation $23.50 +25.50
6/16/01 Donation $10.00  +35.50
6/16/01 Donation $20.00   +55.50
6/26/01 Hosting Fees $10.00   +45.50
7/26/01 Hosting Fees(To Be Refunded) $10.00   +35.50
8/25/01 New Host Setup Fee $9.95   +25.55
8/25/01 Hosting Fees(3 months) $41.85   -16.30
Would you be willing to help fund our website? You can use the PayPal link below, send a check, or just catch up with me at the next gathering.